Oddly Satisfying Inky Drippings with Fountain Pens

by Gourmet Pens

Oddly Satisfying Inky Drippings with Fountain Pens


The feeling of a fountain pen nib on paper is soothing and although it seems funny watching ink flow and dry is strangely meditative It s a great mindful practice for those who are fountain pen and ink enthusiasts And for those who like weird puddles of ink sitting on paper Clip 1Pen nib Sheaffer Triumph stub nib vintage Ink PW Akkerman Hofkwartier GroenClip 2Pen nib Waterman 94 EF flexible nib vintage Ink PW Akkerman Hofkwartier GroenClip 3 6Pen nib Guider Super Jumbo 1 5 mm stub nibInk J Herbin Emerald of ChivorClip 7Pen nib Waterman 94 EF flexible nib vintage Ink D Herbin Diabolo MentheClip 8 9Pen nib Waterman 94 music nib vintage Ink Montblanc Oyster GreyClip 10Pen nib Webster s Flat top Warranted music nib vintage Ink Waterman South Sea BlueClip 11Ink Rohrer Klingner VerdigrisThank you for watching If you found this useful enjoyed it and would like to see more pen ink and paper stuff please like and subscribe If you have realized that oddly satisfying pens and inks are your jam and you would like to support my creations please check me out on patreon com gourmetpens to help keep the ink flowing ᐠ ꞈ ᐟ ᵖᵘʳʳ PW Akkerman x Gourmet Pens Pink Ink Collaboration ᐠ ꞈ ᐟ ᵖᵘʳʳ Sponsors Discount Codes La Couronne du Comte GOURMET10 Casa della Stilografica FLORENCE Appelboom friend Goldspot PensP W Akkerman GOURMET10 excludes Montblanc Akkerman inks discounted products Pen ChaletGOURMETPENS affiliate credit link ᐠ ꞈ ᐟ ᵐᵉᵒʷˎˊ BLOG www gourmetpens comPATREON patreon com gourmetpensFACEBOOK facebook com gourmetpensINSTAGRAM instagram com gourmetpensTWITTER twitter com gourmetpensPINTEREST pinterest com gourmetpensTUMBLR gourmetpens tumblr com ᐠ ꞈ ᐟ ᵐᵉᵒʷˎˊ TORONTOPENCOMPANY COMSHOP torontopencompany com storeFACEBOOK facebook com torontopencompanyINSTAGRAM instagram com torontopencompanyTWITTER twitter com torontopencoPINTEREST pinterest com torontopencompany ᐠ ꞈ ᐟ ᵐᵉᵒʷˎˊ TORONTO PEN CLUBFACEBOOK facebook com torontopenclubINSTAGRAM instagram com torontopenclubTWITTER twitter com torontopenclub



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