Orchids in Bloom - November 2019 | Which one will you chose?

by MissOrchidGirl

Orchids in Bloom - November 2019 | Which one will you chose?


Today we recap the orchids that bloomed during the month of November We have a great show today D More info below 2 Howeara Lava Burst Puanani with its fiery red flowers 3 Oncidium Kutoo CT Little Cherry I have 2 different varieties 4 Potinara Burana Beauty always smelling wonderful 5 Oncidium NoID Pink White Edge who could this be 7 Phalaenopsis Penang Girl x violacea what a pretty color 8 Phalaenopsis violacea you cannot compete with the species 10 Oncidopsis Chaeyene can never have enough of those 11 Dendrobium Thailand Black I have this one for 5 or 6 years 12 Dendrobium NoID Pink Splash kinda weird this year 13 Dendrobium NoID Pink love the round flowers 14 Tolumnia NoID Pink look at those new blooms 15 Aliceara Diana Dunn Gothic I can never say no to a beautiful Beallara 16 Ascocenda Orange Mandarin doing very well potted MissOrchidGirl OrchidsMusic Ikson Horizon Want to send me something Here s my address Orchid NatureP O BOX 29002 CY 1620 Nicosia Cyprus My environment Subtropical climate hot summers and mild winters60 90 humidity always breezyGrowth space is kept at min 17C and max 29C What I use in my Grow Room Media LECA Pokon or IKEAFertilizer and supplements Orchid Focus Bloom when I need something low in N Pots containers baskets DIY self watering pots and masks from local flower shopsLighting LED shop panels from Leroy Merlin 4000kTertial lamps from IKEA 4000k LED bulbs various brands Shelf units Lerberg and Mulig from IKEA See my video playlists



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