Paint Night with Plaid

by Plaid Crafts

Paint Night with Plaid


The in house painters for the Paint Night we were joined by our Plaid Creators The Creators are a set of bloggers working with Plaid on projects through out the year Visit our Plaid Creators Share your work with us PaintWithPlaid Suppy List FolkArt K938 Licorice FolkArt K901 Wicker WhiteFolkArt 2554 Classic Green FolkArt JA458 Sap Green FolkArt K524 Calypso SkyFolkArt 2547 Pink Melon FolkArt 5121 Brushed Gold FolkArt 50602E Soft Grip Detail Brush Set FolkArt 50557E Base Coating Set optional FolkArt Square canvas panel 10 x10



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新聞紙などをくくる時に使う、『ビニールテープ(ビニール紐)』を編んで、キラキラ光るトートバッグを作りました。 大きなサイズで作っても重くならず、強度も十分あり、とても使い勝手がいいです♪ 濡れても拭けばすぐ乾くので、プールバッグにもオススメです!