Panduro DIY – Parallell pen calligraphy

by Panduro Hobby Webtube

Panduro DIY – Parallell pen calligraphy


We asked our friend Letterboy to give you som of his best tips on calligraphy with a parallell pen He says about the pen The Pilot Parallel Pen is an excellent pen that works for many different calligraphy styles What makes it so good is that it s as sharp as a traditional dip pen but it doesn t need to be dipped in ink because it has an ink cartridge instead However it can also be used as a dip pen if you like The Pilot Parallel Pen comes in four sizes and above all it lasts a long time That s important So have a look att the three different styles in this video to see how you can use it for different styles Get more tips from Letterboy at letter_boy



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