Parmesan Crisps with Marinara Sauce Recipe

by Home Cooking Adventure

Parmesan Crisps with Marinara Sauce Recipe


Parmesan Crisps with Marinara Sauce a quick appetizer idea that is so easy to prepare that you can hardly call it a recipe With just few ingredients you can have a low carb appetizer that everybody will enjoy To print the recipe check the full recipe on my blog IngredientsMakes about 20 crisps1 cup 100g Parmesan finely gratedFreshly ground black pepperDry oreganoMarinara Sauce1 pound 450g can or fresh tomatoes peeled and diced1 tbsp 14g olive oil1 clove garlic minced1 2 tsp 3g sugar1 bay leaf1 tsp 1g dry oreganofresh basilred pepper flakes optionalsalt and freshly ground black pepper1 Preheat oven to 400F 200C Line a baking sheet with parchment paper or silicone mat 2 Place heaping tablespoons of Parmesan at least 1 inch 3cm apart flattening slightly Sprinkle freshly ground black pepper and dry oregano on top of each 3 Bake for about 6 8 minutes until golden and crisp 4 Cool completely 5 Prepare the marinara sauce In a medium sauce pan heat oil over medium low heat Add garlic cook few seconds then stir in diced tomatoes Add sugar basil oregano bay leaf pepper flakes if used salt and pepper 6 Bring to a simmer and cook for about 20 25 minutes until slightly reduced and thickened 7 When done remove from heat and let cool slightly before serving 8 It keeps well refrigerated for up to a week or freeze until ready to use Follow me



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