Pasta Grannies discover Violettas hand rolled maccheroni using a broom stick!

by Pasta Grannies

Pasta Grannies discover Violettas hand rolled maccheroni using a broom stick!


We re in Sant Arcangelo Basilicata this week Violetta helped by husband Giovanni shares her recipe for maccheroni a cannicell col sugo di capretto which translates as macaroni hand rolled with a little cane with a kid goat sauce To make the pasta use 400g of semola rimacinata or finely ground semolina flour a teaspoon of salt and around 250ml of warm water To make the sauce use 500g of cubed kid goat or lamb steaks Violetta used leg a garlic clove a small bunch of parsley 2 large fresh ripe tomatoes skinned and chopped and 400ml of tomato passata and salt This sugo only needs to simmer for about 30 40 minutes as kid is so tender



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