Peacock Dress 3: Creating a Sample and Naming the Embroiderers

by Cathy Hay

Peacock Dress 3: Creating a Sample and Naming the Embroiderers


Buckle up there s some time travel in this video The action took place last year I created a package of gold and silver threads and a diagram of the Peacock Dress embroidery Bernadette delivered it to Mystic Beading and a couple of months later a beautiful embroidery sample came back There was a strange sense of something missing in the middle of that sentence though and so THIS year I added the context whose were the hands that made the sample and for that matter whose hands made the original dress Documents I m very pleased to introduce the work of Dr Nicola Thomas a real academic researcher who s much cleverer and much more rigorous than some dressmaker with a YouTube channel Embodying imperial spectacle dressing Lady Curzon Vicereine of India 1899 1905 by Dr Nicola Thomas available in the journal Cultural Geographies Music Wallflower Martin KlemChanging Outlook Trevor Kowalski Maharadjan Wishes Jhukane BadaDeep Nature Saira RidleyAll at epidemicsound comImages Queen Alexandra by Franzy89 at Wikimedia CommonsRoyal Warrant by Gryffindor at Wikimedia CommonsBoth shared with Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3 0 Unported License No changes have been made Queen Alexandra s Coronation Dress Worked in India I m not being cheap I would totally have bought it to use in the video but it clearly specifies no commercial use Grr argh Join my mailing list and receive my weekly love letter to support you in your creative journey You can also follow me and see my own sewing on Instagram Your letters and cards only are welcome at Mr Worth s old place Please do not send parcels 7 Rue de la PaixParis 75002FranceIf you re in the UK like me I also have an address here that works just as well 1 Northumberland AvenueTrafalgar SquareLondonWC2N 5BWUnited KingdomThank you thank you to everyone who has sent something to me It is so valuable to read your words in your own handwriting and hold them in my hands It helps me to connect to who you really are and what you really need from me I read enjoy and treasure every one Thank you




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