Pet DIYs, DIY cat collar and wooden pet tent

by Dainty Diaries

Pet DIYs, DIY cat collar and wooden pet tent


Hands up who loves to spoil their pets This week I am sharing some Pet DIYs and I am sharing how to make a cat collar and also how to make a pet tent I will leave some details below on the measurements for each item but feel free to customize this to suit your space The cat collar Length 15 5 inches long 2 inches in width but cut 4x times the width to allow for folding of fabric to form the strap I use 4 pieces of 2 x 1 wood I cut them to 36 inches in length I measured up 5 inches from the bottom of each piece for the holes and angled one end of the piece for the bottom pieces that touch the floor For more info and pictures on this project then head to my blog www daintydressdiaries com The links above are affiliate links I earn a really small commission if you purchase through my link You will not pay any extra for your purchase I rely on income from ad revenue and affiliate links to support my channel and the cost of creating videos thank you for your continued support Disclaimer I am not a professional and that all projects seen on my channel must be completed at your own risk I do not take responsibility for any harm or injury that may occur Take your time be safe and have fun Come follow me Blog daintydressdiaries comInstagram daintydressdiariesFacebook daintydressdiariesSnapchat daintydiariesThe music in my videos is from epidemic Sound which is a music subscription service for creators daintydiaries petdiy howto catcollar diy diytent



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