Polymer Clay - Basics and Techniques

by Fire Mountain Gems and Beads

Polymer Clay - Basics and Techniques


Christi Friesen the always entertaining polymer clay guru explains basic tips and tools for using polymer clay Get excited about playing with clay and shop all the supplies to prepare for this jewelry making addiction And more



Trying a 80 year old watercolo...

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What do you think about this paint set? As I said I really like the idea of being transported back to a time of when these 80 year...

멜론 젤리 케이크 만들기 : Melon Jelly Ca...

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Prof. Fernanda Valiente - Arte y decoración. Tutorial Gratuito de Mandala Visitá mi sitio web: www.fernandavaliente.com NO TE PIER...

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Преображение ногтей с помощью гель лака. Исправляем трапециевидную форму ногтей(правильный опил свободного края). Делаю коррекцию ...

Cat riding Bike

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Cycling the countryside of Greece keeping Nala entertained ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️