すいかの皮帽子 180824
A poor homeless dog was hit by car a long time without treatment and his back legs spin were broken He was got out from the woods by a man who found him but his wound was started inflammation He won t eat a lot and his condition very poor even difficult to piss he needed meds every morning and night He would be crippled leg forever but a long time of treatment would be treated him from suffered and painful He is doing better and he will be healed soon Courtesy สมพงษ อ นท ยศ
National Hug Your Hound Day 🧒🐶
Hola amigos hoy voy a enseñaros esta preciosa rosa mandala navideña para hacer y regalar a vuestros familiares y amigos ,espero os...
RESTYLING My Last Season Fall/Winter Wardrobe for NOW
このドロップ型 お勧めですヽ(^o^)丿観て頂けたら嬉しいですヽ(^o^)丿
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