Lets Revisit the Ellis Faas Ma...
I was extremely surprised to receive a letter and package from Ellis Faas recently after my [quite negative] review in 2015 so I h...
I was extremely surprised to receive a letter and package from Ellis Faas recently after my [quite negative] review in 2015 so I h...
Some of my favorite bird vines~
「かわいい猫」 笑わないようにしようとしてください - 最も面白い猫の映画 #365 https://youtu.be/8BqQVvMHn7g
부산 자갈치시장 / 랍스타 세트(Lobster with Side Dishes) 180,000 KRW (USD 159.7)
Am I too late to jump on this bandwagon? :D haha My friend sometimes use to leave me little doodles without telling me, so it's al...
full face of makeup using all colourpop products!! My merch:) : https://www.miamaplesmerch.com/ :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :...
お風呂を頑張ってくれたのでいつものドライささみをあげました。今日あげたので最後なのでまた補充しておかないとですね!ふたりともちゅ〜るの次くらいにささみが好きなので、喜んでくれたはずです^^ あと、しまちゃんは避妊手術をしたばかりなのでお風呂はだいぶ先にする予定...
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