From Scratch: A Beginners Hand Embroidery Video Tutorial

by Namaste Embroidery

From Scratch: A Beginners Hand Embroidery Video Tutorial


This is a video tutorial for people brand new to embroidery You can follow along with my Beginner s Guide or the blog tutorial version here I first cover my experience and recommendations regarding supplies hoops fabric floss needles scissors Then I jump into hooping up getting your thread on a needle and anchoring your stitches To learn more about hand embroidery stitches please head here




  • by リキリコとリリリム【R4】 892

子猫リリに飼い主(父ちゃん)が呼びかけます。 あらら、リコの所へ行っちゃった(´艸`*)リコの近くで幸せそうに毛繕い♪ 柴犬リコも父ちゃんにナデナデしてもらって、気持ち良さそうにぶぅぶぅぶぅ~~♪♬ 子猫リムは父ちゃんに遊ばれてるよ~(笑) #柴犬 #子猫 チ...