by Naio Nails



Hi guys In this video I am going to do MAGIC Well the gel polish is going to we have a new Thermochromic Gel Polish range which is heat reactive You put it on and when it gets hot it goes transparent I am also going to use a base colour of neon pink which also glows in the dark this is from another new range of ours called Luminous This video is just to show you how to apply the polish and to get its effect to occur I will definitely be doing more designs with this to show off artwork etc So the secret if you can call it that is to use something very opaque and bright as the base the thermochromic is great but it can never be completely transparent that would be like witchcraft So it leaves a slight milky layer which makes less bright colours a little cloudy to the eye It will also diminish any glitter colours you put underneath Got to the links below and check out the whole collection of both new ranges Have a great day Love Kirsty xxx LAST VIDEO UPLOADED OTHER VIDEOS LIKE THIS ONE OUR MOST POPULAR VIDEOS Products Used in This Video Products Commonly Used Kirsty and all the team at Naio Nails would like to thank you for taking the time to watch our videos we hope you enjoy watching them as much as we enjoy making them If you have a few minutes to spare We would like to ask for your help so that others can enjoy watching our videos too Instructions 1 Go to the video that you want to contribute closed captions to 2 In the player select the gear icon 3 From the drop down menu select Subtitles CC then Add subtitles or CC 4 Select the video s language 5 Play the video When you get to the part where you want to add a caption type your caption into the box 6 Repeat this process for all the audio in the video then click Submit for review 7 You ll be asked if the captions are complete or if there s still more to be done This helps us figure out if other contributors need to pick up where you left off Choose No Let others keep working on them or Yes They re ready to be reviewed 8 Click Submit Websites



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