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Thanks for watching my latest video!
Hey, Guys! (WATCH IN HD) Here is a video of all my favorite products from the month of April!!!!! ISSSALLLL GOOD STUFF!!!! I hope ...
This video about:Hand Embroidery, Latest Neck Design for Kurties, Bullion Knot Stitch
This couple has to find a way to get a tiny abandoned kitten onto the plane home after rescuing him during vacation!
【ちびっと濃厚】ほっこりクリームシチュー🥕 レシピはこちら:
今日、キジトラ猫リリリムが我が家に来てちょうど一年目になります。もう一年のような、あっという間の1年のような♥ リリリムはリキリコの本当の家族になりました(#^^#) リリの甘えん坊も、リムのイタズラもリキリコはぜ~~んぶひっくるめて大好きです♥ 我が家に来た...
Double Chocolate Scones - rick and chocolaty, quick to prepare, with a rustic, unpretentious look but smells and tastes absolutely...
大家好!今天我們正在製作一個迷你水族箱靈感項鍊,搭配一些小海馬 - 使用聚合物粘土和樹脂:)如果你想把它變成一個娃娃館水族箱,你可以結合它與我的其他微型池塘或水族館教程的技巧^ ^
This week's heroine Nonna is Rosa, from Faenza in Emilia Romagna, who shares her recipe for 'paglia e fieno' or straw and hay tagl...
Being that ALL HOURS Liquid is one of my Holy Grail Foundations, this shocked me! xo's ~ Tati 😇 HALO Before & After PHOTOS HERE »...
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