
1 most strange Stitch * Hand e...

  • by Malina GM Embroidery 1348

1 most strange Stitch * Hand embroidery * romanian design for border Romanian lace #malina_gm - top embroidery In this video you w...


  • by KathleenLights 1736

Hey, Guys! (WATCH IN HD) We are decluttering todaaaay!!!!!! Come with me while we work our way through my makeup stash! I hope you...

Ruth Wilsons Red Carpet Makeup

  • by Speed Beauty by Caroline Barnes 1153

I recently made up the actress Ruth Wilson for a Harpers Bazaar red carpet event. Her makeup was one of the most requested looks I...

手作りバレンタインチョコ Coffee & Caramel ...

  • by Chocolate Cacao チョコレートカカオ 909

カカオ ! ∴∵ゞ(´ω`*) ♪ 今回は手作りバレンタインチョコにおしゃれな生チョコ。 コーヒーとキャラメルを合わせた深い味わい。 生チョコは石畳を意味する「パヴェ・ドゥ・ショコラ」とも言われ、シンプルなデザインがおしゃれ。 難しいわけでも無く、小さいケー...