丸が好きなあなたへ!まんまるレシピ ベスト12
丸が好きなあなたへ!まんまるレシピ ベスト12
OPEN ME D Hi guys In this video I m going to show you my favourite sleep hairstyles I use to protect my hair overnight I also share some other hair tips to promote long healthy beautiful hair I hope you enjoy Remember to like subscribe and share this video And press the bell to be notified when I upload a new video DFOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM holistichabitsMY WEBSITE SHOP CRYSTALS JEWELLERYwww holistichabits com_________________________________HAIR PRODUCTS MENTIONED IN VIDEO SLEEP CAP AND PILLOW CASE Cap was a gift to me silk satin pillow cases can be found on amazon etsy etc CALIA PURIFYING SHAMPOO AND CONDITIONER BLUE BEAUTIFLY ORGANIC FORTIFYING SCALP OIL __________________________________________________Amazing music by Anthony RussellFTC This video is NOT sponsored
丸が好きなあなたへ!まんまるレシピ ベスト12
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루루가 무릎 위에서 잠이드는 모습이 너무 사랑스러워서 폰으로 찍어봤어요. 왠지 저도 포근해지고 나른해 지는 기분이 들었어요. 자기 전에 한 번 봐주시면 좋을 것 같아요!
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どっちの鍋がいい? 和風vs洋風🍲
おおきくなったけど めのキラキラは であった頃のまんまだね とっても可愛いもも うまれてきてくれてありがとう
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