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A tiny pet bunny rabbit named Pipkin makes a rabbit sleeping and rabbit dreaming video When the indoor rabbit is very sleepy and comfortable the rabbit will lucid dream and think he is doing a rabbit eating video or rabbit drinking video in his dream The rabbit dreams of eating his favorite food probably a banana When it s bedtime Pipkin will hop up on the bed for a cuddle The indoor rabbit loves making rabbit waking owner videos so he loves hopping up onto the bed before going to bed and in the morning as an alarm clock too In this rabbit video the rabbit fell asleep on his step up to the bed The indoor rabbit loves making cute rabbit videos Maybe you saw Pipkin rabbit s rabbit learns he is adopted video or surrounding a sleeping rabbit with grapes videos We also did waking a sleeping rabbit with an air horn video and waking a sleeping rabbit with a firecracker video This is obviously the same idea just WAY more intense Pipkin rabbit is a free roam rabbit who is litter trained so he does his best to use his litter box when he is awake Sometimes when the rabbit sleeping the rabbit dreams he is on his litter box so he goes to the bathroom Obviously that s not his fault When the indoor rabbit sleeps the rabbit dreams Beyond making a rabbit poop when rabbit sleeping he also eats digs and runs in his dreams Do rabbits sleep with their eyes open Yes sometimes rabbits do When Pipkin really starts rabbit dreaming like REM sleep the rabbit tilts his head back all of the way The indoor rabbit will then start to run Then the indoor bunny starts to chew or to eat something almost like the rabbit ran over to a delicious fruit or vegetables and starting eating Other times the domestic rabbit dreams he is on his litter box Can rabbits use a litter box Can rabbits be trained to use a litter box Oh yes They are very smart animals This rabbit uses his litter box most of the time but sometimes he has an accident which is totally understandable if the rabbit is sleeping and dreaming The rabbit loves digging running and eating in his dreams Is it the cutest thing ever We hope you think so Thanks so much for watching our cute rabbit video Any ideas for another cute bunny video Please let us know The rabbit s favorite rabbit video to make is rabbit eating ASMR videos Pipkin loves eating ASMR videos If you d like to hear the rabbit eat something crunchy he recently did a rabbit eating carrot video If you want to hear some juicy eating sounds that are relaxing he recently made a rabbit eating watermelon video The rabbit has also eaten apple strawberry lettuce kale parsley grapes baby food and juice However if you re wondering what is a rabbit s favorite food It s a banana for sure We hope you like the sounds of a rabbit eating Thanks for checking out Pipkin and our rabbit channel We hope you think he is the cutest rabbit ever because he really enjoys making rabbit videos ASMR videos and eating videos in particular Pipkin rabbit is a free range rabbit indoor rabbit and we all enjoy making cute rabbit videos If you d like to see more cute rabbit videos please watch some of our other work Other stuff we re doing Instagram one more pleasePlease let us know if you have any feedback or suggestions Thank you D rabbits bunnies cute
サラ ★twitter https://twitter.com/saraparin ★Instagram http://Instagram.com/sara_parin
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