◆可愛い野良猫動画を毎日配信中!チャンネル登録お願いします↓ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCftvr4AjFL2vVcF-3dteG2w?sub_confirmation=1
Toby 7 5 months old now playing with his favorite toy and even makes Timo playing too Music Magical Night OurMusicBoxNews about Timo s health We ve got the results of the biopsy of Timo s kidney It s not lymphoma tumor or FIP but Chronic Kidney Disease called CIN probable caused by infections He has a contracted kidney Timo won t be better The specialist said it s very difficult to give a prognosis but most of the time cats will die within a few months or a year We are totally devasted but we never give up hope We know there are some cats who lived much longer with this disease We continue treatment giving him fluids under his skin medication and frequent check ups at the vet We do anything to make him feel comfy and give him what he needs His condition varies every day one day he s alert playful and eating by himself the next day we have to help him eat It s important that he eats more because he lost lot of his weight We want to thank everybody for the heartwarming words and prayers we are feeling blessed to have so many kind Timo fans from all over the world It s very hard to respond on all the comments hope you understand
◆可愛い野良猫動画を毎日配信中!チャンネル登録お願いします↓ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCftvr4AjFL2vVcF-3dteG2w?sub_confirmation=1
コタローが赤ちゃんの時に買ったディーンアンドデルーカのミニマグカップ。 コタディンアンドハナデルカの手にちょうどいいサイズのカップです。 頭に乗せるもんじゃありません。
トリック・オア・カカオ ! ∴∵ゞ(´ω`*) ♪ 今回はハロウィンの簡単お菓子、かぼちゃのブロンディです。 ブラウニーをホワイトチョコにアレンジしたものをブロンディというそうです。それのかぼちゃバージョン。 とても美味しくできて、意外にお腹いっぱいになりま...
#맛있겠다 #오마카세 #스시사쿠
Doll artist : Azusa Chiyoda Music : 月と虎落笛のインソムニア(ke-ji)
Love Animals? SUBSCRIBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCINb0wqPz-A0dV9nARjJlOQ?sub_confirmation=1 | This dog probably doesn't k...
Инстаграм: https://www.instagram.com/katyabobcat
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短足マンチカンの男の子、プリンです! ついにプリンをお風呂にいれました! 今回は本当に(これでも)大人しくて頑張ってくれたので、本当に感動しました。 気になってたにおいもスッキリ(^^)
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