和風蝦子&蛤蜊雜炊/Ebi&Clams Zousui |MA...
昆布高湯裡加入蝦子&蛤蜊熬出來超級香的湯頭 白飯吸收很多海鮮精華太好吃了 冬天晚上肚子餓時候非常適合~!(๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و
Rescue Koala Joey Under His Exhausted Mom On Plantation FloorThis little darling was a very lucky boy We found him after the fires under his poor exhausted Mother His mom had just about given up and had collapsed on top of him on the plantation floor We took him to the rescue center after that with another victim of bushfire This little darling koala Joey was one of many orphaned in the fires and getting the best care here Where he has enough food and water where he can be protected from dangers out there Source kangala_rescue RescueKoala Bushfire SavePaws Koala Australia SaveYourPaws
昆布高湯裡加入蝦子&蛤蜊熬出來超級香的湯頭 白飯吸收很多海鮮精華太好吃了 冬天晚上肚子餓時候非常適合~!(๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و
性格が違う兄妹猫(くろみつ、わらび)です。 【blog https://ameblo.jp/nesuko2ne2si/entry-12316882315.html】 Subscribe to MAKO0MAKO0 Channel!: ➡︎https://www...
This is a compilation of super funny and hilarious videos that will make you poop your pants from laughing so freaking hard! The v...
In diesem Video zeige ich dir, wie du dir ganz einfach und schnell Maschenmarkierer selber machen kannst.
This tiny kitten is so funny and playful! :) Subscribe: http://bit.ly/SubToColeAndMarmalade
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