箱とまるとはな7。-Box and Maru&Hana 7....
アマゾン箱とまるとはな。Amazon box and Maru&Hana.
So I was excited to try this foundation as I thought it might have been the affordable answer to all of my woes But was it MAKEUP USEDREVOLUTION Conceal Hydrate Foundation 5 7 9 12REVOLUTION Conceal Hydrate Concealer 5 7 7 10LAURA MERCIER Secret Brightening PowderRCMA No Colour PowderBARE MINERALS Longwear Eyeshadow Sticks Smoky Chai Iced Champagne TOO FACED Damn Girl MascaraBENEFIT Hoola BronzerLOREAL Blush Life s A Peach MAYBELLINE Superstay Ink Crayon Trust Your Gut JEWELLERY I m not sure you ll have noticed my beautiful bracelet that was sent to me by a company called Ana Luisa I NEVER take it off It s sterling silver with a cross dangling from the chain I LOVE IT Why not check out the rest of their collectionCONTACT LENSESI sometimes wear contact lenses in my videos My eyes are naturally browny orange but I like to switch things up with green blue grey contacts Recently I was sent some coloured contacts from a company called TTDEYE who deal with both cosmetic and prescription lenses I LOVE THEM THIS IS NOT AN AFFILIATE LINK this is just for you xxxFURTHER INFORMATIONMy skin type is combi dry most of the month but when hormonal my skin gets very oily around my t zone It s very unpredictable thanks skin and I suffer from breakouts mostly hormonal breakouts thanks again hormones MY CURRENT FOUNDATION SHADE MATCHESMAC NW13DIOR 0NTOO FACED AlmondHOURGLASS ShellNARS GobiURBAN DECAY 30CGESTEE LAUDER 2N1LAURA MERCIER 2N1 5BARE MINERALS Barely Light Birch 1 5FENTY BEAUTY 120NO7 CalicoCYO 102 103 mixedREVOLUTION PRO F1 F5 7ELF Fair LightPHYSICIANS FORMULA LN3MAYBELLINE True IvoryLOREAL 20 IvoryREVLON 200 NudeOTHER VIDEOS YOU MIGHT LIKE TO WATCH1st Anniversary Video Q ARevitalash ReviewBest Tinted MoisturisersBest SPF For Under MakeupMum s Over 65 Daily Skincare RoutineThe Best 6 Anti Aging IngredientsHow To Stop Concealer Creasing
アマゾン箱とまるとはな。Amazon box and Maru&Hana.
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紙皿は直径18cmのものを、 柊の葉は7.5×7.5cmサイズの折り紙を8枚使いました。 ポインセチアは15×15cmで作ったものです。作り方は別の動画で紹介しています。 紙皿には両面テープで貼りました。
Reference link : https://www.pinterest.com/pin/611363718139153496/?nic=1
Hola!! :)
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