Rwandan Food Tour - MERCEDES BENZ of MEAT in Kigali, Rwanda! | African Food Tour!

by Mark Wiens

Rwandan Food Tour - MERCEDES BENZ of MEAT in Kigali, Rwanda! | African Food Tour!


Welcome to Kigali Rwanda Kigali is an amazing city so clean and organized and it was a joy to have a chance to walk around eat and explore the city In this video along with the help of Georgie and Makeda we re taking you on an amazing Rwandan food tour of Kigali La Gardienne Supermarket We started off at La Gardienne Supermarket a small supermarket known for preparing some of the best samosas in all of Kigali They were delicious especially the meat samosa Samosas are very common throughout East Africa because of the Indian and Arabian influence Green Corner Next we went to a restaurant in Kigali called Green Corner this is one of my favorite restaurants in Kigali They specialized in grilled meats especially grilled fish giant freshwater tilapia The fish was the highlight of the meal but the grilled chicken was also pretty amazing A great restaurant to eat Rwandan food Total price 50 000 RWF 57 10 Piano Bar Next we went to a local restaurant called Piano Bar not far from Green Corner to eat one main dish Akabenz A Rwandan food known to be the Mercedes Benz of meat It s a Rwandan pork dish fried with onions and served with chili It s pretty amazing and if you enjoy pork you don t want to miss it when you re in Kigali Rwanda Total price 10 700 RWF 12 22 Resto Bamako Next we went to a restaurant serving Malian food but also Rwandan food Their pilau rice and especially their isombe cassava leaves were fantastic Total price 4 000 RWF 4 57 Chap Chap Food One of the last food stops was Chap Chap Bar a small Rwandan local fast food restaurant serving all sorts of snacks We enjoyed a Rolex which is actually a Ugandan chapati topped with an egg Total price 4 500 RWF 5 14 Ikivuguto Finally to end the main part of this Rwandan food tour we couldn t not stop at a milk bar We had a beverage called Ikivuguto a fermented milk drink kind of like thin yoghurt Chez Lando Although it was the next day I couldn t have a Rwandan food tour without trying some brochettes which is one of the national foods of Rwanda Total price 5 100 RWF 5 82 Again huge thank you to Georgie and Makeda for taking me around CAMERA GEAR I used to make this video these are affiliate links I would love to connect with you




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