Sakura Anpan (vegan) ☆ 桜あんぱんの作り方

by Peaceful Cuisine

Sakura Anpan (vegan) ☆ 桜あんぱんの作り方


This was so much fun to make Give it a try if you like baking No Music How to Make Sakura Anpan Ingredients For the dough 300g bread flour30g oil20g cane sugar3g salt150g water5g beet3g dried yeastFor the sakura an paste 150g navy beans100g cane sugar15g pickled cherry blossomsInstructions 1 soak navy beans overnight bring to a boil 2 add water a few times drain and rinse bring to a boil again and keep simmering until tender add water as needed 3 blend beet and water with a blender then strain add dried yeast 4 combine all the ingredients for the dough and knead well 5 let it ferment until it doubles in volume 6 strain the navy beans add cane sugar and pickled cherry blossoms rinse and drain beforehand 7 keep heating until you get the desired texture 8 divide the dough into 10 equal pieces 9 roll out the dough into round shape put sakura an paste and wrap it with the dough use 20g sakura an paste for each 10 make a slit evenly at five points make it into sakura shape 11 let it ferment for 30 60 mins12 bake at 320F 160C for 12 mins 材料 パン生地強力粉 300gオイル 30gきび砂糖 20g塩 3g水 150gビーツ 5gドライイースト 3g桜餡手亡豆 150gきび砂糖 100g桜の塩漬け 15g 作り方 1 手亡豆を一晩浸水し 鍋に移して沸騰させます 2 差し水を数回して 一度茹で汁を捨てて水ですすぎます 新しい水でまた沸騰させ 柔らかくなるまで弱火で煮ます 必要に応じて水は足してください 3 ビーツと水をブレンダーにかけ 漉してからドライイーストを加えます 4 パン生地の全ての材料を混ぜ合わせ よく捏ねます 5 二倍に膨らむまで一次発酵させます 6 煮た手亡豆を裏ごしします 水にさらした桜の塩漬けときび砂糖を加えます 7 適度な固さになるまで煮詰めます 8 パン生地を10等分します 9 生地を丸型にのばし 桜餡を乗せて包みます 桜餡は1つ20gずつ 10 5箇所に切れ込みを入れ 桜の花の形に成形します 11 30 60分ほど二次発酵させます 12 160 で12分ほど焼きます I often use iHerb to get organic ingredients Use a code YOY970 to get a discount on your first purchase They ship internationally at low price sometimes even free Equipments etc Camera Sony A7RIILens FE 35mm F1 4 ZA SEL35F14Z Lens Filter Kenko variable NDX 82mmMic RODE Videomic Pro RycoteMonitor Atomos Ninja AssassinTripods SLIK carbon 923 pro SLIK carbon 823 pro SLIK mini pro 7 RRS TP 243 Ground Level TripodSlider Libec ALX S8 KITSoftware Adobe Premiere Pro CCMusic Mellow Acoustic Piano 14 Johan Hynynen



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