提供:エチュードハウス URL:https://www.etudehouse.com/
Sakura Roll Cake Bahasa Bahan A 80 gr unsalted butter Anchor 100 ml susu cair tawar Indomilk 85 gr terigu protein rendah Kunci Biru 15 gr susu bubuk full cream ¼ sdt garam⅛ sdt vanila susu6 btr kuning telur⅛ sdt pasta red velvetBahan B 6 btr putih telur½ sdt cream of tartar110 gr gula kastorBahan C Untuk adonan merah ¼ sdt pasta red velvet bukan ½ sdt lihat video menit ke 8 52 Sakura Roll Cake Recipe Eng Ingredients A 80 g unsalted butter100 ml full crem milk85 g low protein flour cake flour15 g full cream milk powder¼ tsp salt⅛ tsp vanilla milk powder or ½ tsp vanilla extrack 6 egg yolks⅛ tsp red velvet pasteB 6 egg whites½ sdt cream of tartar110 g caster sugarC ¼ tsp red velvet paste for red mixture Follow our social media resepsukasukaamel sukasukaamel makeitshareitThank youAmel
提供:エチュードハウス URL:https://www.etudehouse.com/
I made three DIY wedding veils to get you started on mixing and matching the techniques to make any bridal veil you like! This one...
哈哈哈~來看我演出的廣告(羞)咦?新上市的好自在液體衛生棉用過沒?還有很多日本暢銷單品,台灣也有賣囉!還有個好康是9/28前,只要在屈臣氏的實體或網路商店購買P&G商品滿$299即可抽台北-東京來回機票! 好康傳送門 ➡️ https://goo.gl/7...
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The fluffy and gray cat refuses to dine together. I invited them to eat raw chicken hearts. There was no friendship between Perseu...
It's been a while since my last unboxing, been a little busy, but was finally able to finish editing my Rendia unboxing video! Ple...
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I´m too ill to speak to the camera today.. Three updates, SKY, SHARKY and AMY... Sky was attacked with a shovel in Romania a few ...
つまみ細工作家 間彦由江さん流 剣つまみのお花の作り方をご紹介します。 このつまみ細工のお花は、クチュリエキット「和洋折衷 世界の国花をちりめんで咲かせたつまみ細工の会」です。 ⇒ http://feli.jp/couturier/gcd611899/?xid...
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