How to Set up a Watercolor Pal...
Recently ya'll have been asking me to make a video about my favorite supplies. Specially answering the question - Why are my wate...
GOODBYE 2018 See you guys in 2019 Happy New Year lovelies ps Sorry the sculpting part was a little bit short I accidentaly deleted some footage of the beginning process This sculpture is for my upcoming mini solo show at Corey Helford Gallery The theme for this show is Creepy Cute The backstory of these characters the animals who died from being hunted abandoned tortured starved tested on for cosmetics and forced to entertain come back to life as zombies monsters to protect their species and seek revenge on those who made them suffer The opening night will be held on January 12th She will be available after the show Please contact the gallery at sherri coreyhelfordgallery com for any inquiries Thank you FAQWhat type of clay do you use Polymer Clay Fimo SoftWhat paint do you use Golden Acrylics Pan pastel What is that white glue thing you use during sculpting Sculpey Bake and Bond aka liquid Sculpey What do you use to seal your sculptures Art resin What tool do you use to pick up crystals Crystal Katana Multimedia Pickup Tool What glue do you use to attach crystals E6000 STAY IN TOUCH CONTACTFor Business Inquiries Collaborations tina yu artist gmail com MUSIC Epidemic Sound Music
Recently ya'll have been asking me to make a video about my favorite supplies. Specially answering the question - Why are my wate...
Hello Guys! As promised I have your watercolour Texture tutorial here for you, I literally use this technique in most of my digita...
Funny Pet Videos presents a brand new weekly compilation featuring the funniest Pitbull videos, clips, outtake, bloopers and momen...
5 способов обработки края изделия - русский -американский -канителью -пайетками -потайным швом
Hoy vamos a realizar un simpático 🌿🐛 Gusanito u Oruga de papel | Paper Caterpillar | Paper Worm 🐛🌿 puede ser una linda idea para r...
I try very hard on my channel to have an equal split between luxury and affordable product reviews. I've been really excited to do...
8月14日より、CHICCAから2019年秋の新作コスメが発売します💖 キッカの秋コレクションは華やかなのにクール・力強いのにセクシー✨ さまざまな「ローズ」の魅力を感じるラインナップになっています💄💕 新作のアイシャドウやリップ、新作のマスカラなど注目のアイ...
Insta-filter in Foundation??? ... Are you kidding me? xo's ~ Tati » » » ENTER MY GIANT PR GIVEAWAY Here » » » https://www.youtub...
In this cake decorating tutorial, I demonstrate how to create this two tier elephant decorated cake, inspired by a design given to...
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