SBD London Mermaid Collection

by Natalie Mugridge Nail Artist

SBD London Mermaid Collection


Hi everyone In this video I ll be swatching the Mermaid collection from SBD London Find the link to the group and their FB page further down the description box Use code NATMUG10 at www nailsugar co uk to get 10 off your order Modelones discount code Natalie00 Modelones com Don t forget to like and subscribe Make sure you hit that bell so you never miss a video You ll find amazing glitter along with many other amazing nail art goodies at www nailsugar co uk so be sure to take a look You can find me on Instagram www instagram com natmugnailartistEmail nmnailartist yahoo comAddress Unit 14 Kensington Court Medway Road Tunbridge Wells TN1 2FD UK Useful links www nailsugar co uk glitter and nail art suppliesmodelones com gel polishwww madamglam com gel polishwww nailchemy co ukwww naio Nails co uk Acrylicwww yayoge comMusic YouTube Audio Library



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