★LINEスタンプ(stickers)購入は…https://line.me/S/sticker/5110598 ★2019年 壁掛けカレンダーOthello&Cheese Jr 発売!2019 Othello&Cheese Jr Wall Calendar!...
Thanks so much for tuning into today s video SEPHORA VIB SALE RECOMMENDATIONS FALL 2019 Hope you enjoy xoxo 11 1 11 6 Rouge 20 off 11 7 11 11 VIB 15 BI 10 off Use code HOLIDAYSAVE for online purchasesTOM FORDLA MERPAT MCGRATHHOURGLASSGUERLAINCHARLOTTE TILBURYNATASHA DENONASURRATT BEAUTYGIORGIO ARMANI BEAUTYKOH GEN DOVISEARTTIMESTAMPS1 34 Tom Ford10 06 La Mer17 49 Pat McGrath23 28 Hourglass26 20 Guerlain31 01 Charlotte Tilbury36 06 Natasha Denona41 12 Surratt Beauty43 21 Giorgio Armani Beauty45 25 Koh Gen Do48 37 Viseart53 03 MiscellaneousMy big moonstone ring is from Lucifer Vir HonestusMailing address Michele Wang10620 Southern Highlands PkwySuite 110 20Las Vegas NV 89141Shop through these affiliate links to support this channel bookmark them for easy access Follow me at Instagram Makeup Beauty themichelewangInstagram Knitting Food mishi2xTwitter themichelewangFacts about me for reference Age 46Skin Type Dry Sensitive eczema prone but occasionally comboSkin Tone Neutral warmer in the t zone cooler on the cheeks DisclaimerI feature products of my choosing I am not a makeup artist merely a makeup and beauty enthusiast The products I use in these videos are either purchased by me or sent to me by companies which I will always disclose Some of the links in this description box are affiliated My opinions reflected in these videos are 100 my own
★LINEスタンプ(stickers)購入は…https://line.me/S/sticker/5110598 ★2019年 壁掛けカレンダーOthello&Cheese Jr 発売!2019 Othello&Cheese Jr Wall Calendar!...
Giesskanne von Rosmarie gemacht Keramik Kurse http://www.imrank.ch/kurse/
This sculpture is inspired by White Tara ‣ https://www.yowangdu.com/tibetan-buddhism/white-tara.html
【スズランで初夏の香り。ワイヤーレジンピアス "幸福の再来✨" DIY Lily of the valley earrings resin art DIY】
Our channels: •Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/loulouminidachshund •Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/loulouminidachshund •...
介紹日本的傳統蒸料理! 做法很簡單。只要注意, 蛋&高湯的比例&加熱的方式 就可以做出來超級滑嫩的 美味茶碗蒸喔~!(๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و MASA YouTube頻道:🍅http://www.youtube.com/masaabc1
Trying out some new foundation techniques recommended by Professional Makeup Artists that I've never tried before, some I've never...
This tutorial will show you how to crochet an easy children’s sweater / cardigan that is perfect for autumn and winter. This tutor...
What's up guysss! So today I'm going to show you how to make this fake neon light.
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