Sleeping rabbit dreaming about sneezing

by OneMorePlease

Sleeping rabbit dreaming about sneezing


A tiny pet bunny rabbit named Pipkin is sleeping and dreaming about eating something that makes him sneeze The rabbit wakes up stretches and yawns and goes right back to sleep Or maybe the bunny rabbit was asleep the whole time as evidenced by his eyes looking all crazy Do rabbits do sleep with their eyes open Yes sometimes rabbits do Sometimes the rabbit has been seen eating digging and running while he s asleep Obviously this means that in his dream the rabbit was also eating digging and running Sometimes the rabbit even goes to the bathroom makes a poop in his dreams When Pipkin rabbit really starts dreaming like REM sleep the rabbit tilts his head back all of the way like you saw at the beginning The rabbit will then often start to run Then the rabbit starts to chew or to eat something almost like the rabbit ran over to a delicious fruit or vegetables and starting eating Here whatever he was eating made him sneeze Bless you wee bun The rabbit is also really good about staying out of the sun as you can see The bunny rabbit yawns and stretches but still avoids the sun which is good because his dark fur heats up fast He s a smart rabbit that s for sure The rabbit loves digging running and eating in his dreams Is it the cutest thing ever We hope you think so Thanks so much for watching our cute rabbit video If you d like to see more cute rabbit videos please check out our channel rabbits bunnies cute rabbitsdreaming




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