Crochet Baby Bonnet / Shell Bo...
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WINDSOR BREAD 溫莎排包高筋面粉 bread flour 330g 2 1 3cup细砂糖 sugar 30g 1 8cup鹽 salt 1tsp奶粉 milk powder 10g 1 1 2Tbsp鮮奶 fresh milk 200ml 蛋黄 egg yolk 2即溶酵母 instant yeast 1tsp無鹽奶油 unsalted butter 25g 2Tbsp长模 Pan size 28cm x 6cm x 20cm 摄氏170 华氏340 烘烤 15 17分钟Bake at 170 C 340 F for 15 17 minutesPlease leave a LIKE and SHARE this video SUBSCRIBE my YouTube Channelfor more videos and clicked the bell so you don t miss any of my videosMy ChannelSecond ChannelFacebookBloggerInstagramAmazon shop ASMR SoftBread 一次性發酵麵包 Recipe
Thank you for watching and do follow me on social media. Do subscribe to my channel that way you won’t miss any of my future uploa...
The making of a leather Card Sleeve, ideal for when you want to go out and carry just a couple of cards and cash!
No need to whine about these wine gifts.
Skip a salon visit for your next hair color transformation! If you are a holographic hair color lover, this IGK duo-chrome highlig...
A review and wear test for a new magnetic liner and lashes from Eylure that can be found in WalMart stores. These retail for $15 p...
▶︎LET'S BE FRIENDS💕💕 I N S T A G R A M: -----------------------------------...
Hola a todos! hoy realizaremos unas minis flores de hibiscos, flor cayena, flor hawaiana | Mini hibiscus paper flower. Ideales par...
Hola! Gracias por acompañarme en otro video 💅🏻✨✨ hoy vamos a descubrir que me llegó en este paquete enviado desde Rusia, a continu...
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