とにかく遊びたい秀吉です。 トイレでもお構いなしです・・・
Hi Friends This week I started on my 1890 s Vest a Victorian waistcoat as it was known at the time which means I am beginning to use couture tailoring techniques for the first time I also took a class this weekend about the Japanese art of Sashiko which is a type of Japanese embroidery and was absolutely fascinating I hope you enjoy _______________________________________________________People and things mentioned in this video _______________________________________________________Things people ask me about affiliate links _______________________________________________________Links Follow Me Send Me Mail Please keep this to just letters unless we discuss it first I love that people want to send me things but I have a house full of things and not much room for more so I would like to make sure I really want the thing before you spend money sending it to me Thank you Noelle Paduan117 Bernal RoadSte 70 140San Jose Ca 95119 Vest Waistcoat Sashiko
とにかく遊びたい秀吉です。 トイレでもお構いなしです・・・
콩국수+만두 먹방 Eating show 이제이레시피/EJ recipe
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こんにちは!かよです! 今回はmacのリップ紹介をしてみました! ランキング付けるの胸が痛い。。。w
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こんにちは。 ご視聴ありがとうございます(^^)
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