Stir-Fried Larb Moo Eggplant / Lao Bba Bba, Seoul Korea / 랍무가지 볶음 / 서울 가락동 라오빠빠

by 푸디보이 FoodieBoy

Stir-Fried Larb Moo Eggplant / Lao Bba Bba, Seoul Korea / 랍무가지 볶음 / 서울 가락동 라오빠빠


ℹ Information 랍무가지 볶음 Stir Fried Larb Moo Eggplant Wiki None Price KRW 17 000 USD 14 4 Location 서울특별시 송파구 송이로17길 57 가락동 57 Songi ro 17 gil Songpa gu Seoul Republic of Korea Google Map Naver Map Kakao Map MusicNone CommentThank you so much for Watching my VideosHave a good time and feel free to Subscribe my Channel 푸디보이 FoodieBoy E Mail foodieboy sandbox co kr All Made by FoodieBoyDirected Created Written Edited CopyrightCopyright 2017 FoodieBoy All Rights Reserved Unauthorized reproduction is a violation of applicable laws



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