Stop Doing THAT To Your Face...Start Doing THIS! | Jackie Aina

by Jackie Aina

Stop Doing THAT To Your Face...Start Doing THIS! | Jackie Aina


This is a video for anyone who at any point felt like having dark skin was an inconvenience a set back or a flaw This video I will show the why behind some of the makeup techniques I use to play up dark otherwise looked at as undesirable features and how to enhance what you already have Enjoy P R O D U C T S M E N T I O N E D hairC O N N E C T W I T H M E instagram jackieainasnapchat jackieainafacebook Jackie Ainatwitter jackieainaB U S I N E S S For business inquiries please contact jackie scalemanagement co Some affiliate links are used which means I may receive a commission should you decide to click that link and make a purchase My content is 100 not influenced by brands PR products received usage of affiliate links or brand partnerships Changing the standard of beauty one tutorial at a time Phil 4 13



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