【彩妝新手】乾淨透亮日常妝的五個重點!綠茶婊 心機偽素顏?空...
最近🍵 茶藝妝、綠茶妝很夯,就是讓人無法抗拒的清新又有女人味的小心機裸妝感。但,我自從看了 #三十而已 超討厭劇中綠茶UU!只想手撕綠茶婊、臭小三!這麼有氣質的乾淨裸妝幹嘛要叫綠茶妝😂 當個聰明又得體的女人不好嗎!讓我們一起支持顧佳的空山茶吧!誰也有追這部劇?...
On this episode of Breaking Trail witness the EPIC conclusion of Coyote Peterson s climb up the insect sting pain index What started as a simple curiosity with Harvester Ant stings has now evolved and captured the world s attention in one man s quest to document the most painful insect stings from around the globe You ve already seen some of his worst stings from the Velvet Ant and the Tarantula Hawk to the Bullet Ant and Warrior Wasp Now in what may be his final pain index challenge ever Coyote takes on the much anticipated sting of the Executioner Wasp The Executioner Wasp is a beautiful gold and amber paper wasp one of the largest living in the dense jungles of Central and South America These pollinators that use their strong mandibles to bring nectar and small caterpillars back to the nest to feed their young are actually not very aggressive However don t let their level of chill fool you these speedy wasps pack a seriously powerful punch that can cause major injury and even death with its potential for allergic reactions Now the time has come for Coyote to return to home of the Bullet Ant and Warrior Wasp to be stung by an Executioner Wasp Will it be his worst and take the throne atop the sting index Get ready you re about to watch the epic conclusion to Coyote s climb up the Sting Pain Index it s time for Coyote to get STUNG by an EXECUTIONER WASP Breaking Trail leaves the map behind and follows adventurer and animal expert Coyote Peterson and his crew as they encounter a variety of wildlife in the most amazing environments on the planet The Brave Wilderness Channel is your one stop connection to a wild world of adventure and amazing up close animal encounters So SUBSCRIBE NOW and join the adventure that brings you closer to the most beloved bizarre and misunderstood creatures known to man GET READY things are about to get WILD New Episodes Every Wednesday Friday and Sunday
最近🍵 茶藝妝、綠茶妝很夯,就是讓人無法抗拒的清新又有女人味的小心機裸妝感。但,我自從看了 #三十而已 超討厭劇中綠茶UU!只想手撕綠茶婊、臭小三!這麼有氣質的乾淨裸妝幹嘛要叫綠茶妝😂 當個聰明又得體的女人不好嗎!讓我們一起支持顧佳的空山茶吧!誰也有追這部劇?...
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