しっとり柔らか!韓国風 塩麹ポッサムの作り方【kattyan...
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2019년이 되고 요리채널에는 처음 올리는 영상이네요 꿀키하우스채널과 인스타그램에서 몇 번 얘기를 했었는데 그 동안 손목이 너무 안 좋아서 영상을 촬영을 할 수 없었어요 아직 완전히 나은것은 아니지만 그래도 조금 괜찮아져서 영상업로드를 합니다 손목이 완전히 나을때까지 영상이 조금 천천히 올라갈 것 같아요 양해해주세요 Today I ate grilled jeolpyeon tteokk sandwich and shabu shabu Recently I couldn t upload because I injured my wrists I still haven t recovered but I wanted to let you know There still won t be as many uploads for a while Please bear with me a little On YouTube subscribers can add their own CC If you want to share this video in another language you can do so by adding them in the SETTING bottom right subtitles add subtitles Music 꿀키의 맛있는 테이블TWITTER honeykkicookINSTAGRAM honey_kkiE MAIL andrabbit naver com이 영상의 다운로드 및 2차 편집을 금지합니다
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So here is Pip! and his new friend Pop who we will be making today. You can find his written pattern on my website at; https://ww...
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(コピー用紙)紙で作る!紅葉の作り方【DIY】(Copy paper) Made with paper! How to make Japanese maple 今回は赤色で作りましたが、黄色やオレンジなどで作っても可愛いと思います。 クラフトパンチやダイカット...
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Stay cozy during the chilly weather with a warm meal of chicken and dumplings seasoned with McCormick!
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if your following me on instagram, you probably remember me sharing talking about a Korean brand called NailMot. well, some of the...
In this video I’m going to make a concrete lamp with optical fibers.
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