カップヌードル7匹の猫 190705
드디어 이사하고 첫 영상이네요 매일 청소하고 정리하고 그렇게 살고있어요 아직 가구들이 없어서 텅빈 집이지만 조금씩 채워가면서 살려고요 요즘 감자가 핫하길래 2kg를 샀어요 포켓팅 실패함 다음주 내내 감자만 먹을 것 같아요 맛있는 감자 레시피로 돌아올게요 그럼 다음주에 또 만나요 I recently moved house So lately my days have only been about cleaning and organizing I bought 2kg potatoes from the supermarket I think I ll spend the next week just eating potatoes I ll be back with tasty potato recipes Please stay healthy and see you next week Music 꿀키의 맛있는 테이블 TWITTER honeykkicook INSTAGRAM honey_kki E MAIL andrabbit naver com 이 영상의 다운로드 및 2차 편집을 금지합니다
10/7発売のガールズトレンド研究所×ダイソーコラボ商品第5弾の購入品をご紹介します!パーティーグッズメインです♪ スマホカバーはアレンジも⭐️
無一郎くんをモチーフにしたアイシングクッキーを作りました*^^* ※型の表現などはイメージです🙇♀️
22cm×30cm 1枚 22cm×28cm 1枚 22cm×16cm 2枚
A key few places with baking can make a big difference. Especially when you're over 40!
Autumn Mood Hand Embroidery _ tutorial original image --- http://www.freepik.com/free-vector/autumn-background-with-watercolor-let...
TIMESTAMPS: 04:18 Stroke painting tutorials 06:25 How to draw a dolphin 08:44 Beautiful butterfly painting 09:49 One stroke rose 1...
今回は2500円以下のコスメで立体顔メイクを紹介します! 紹介したコスメは概要欄でも後ほどのせます💄 みなさん気になるコスメや質問があればぜひコメントしてください😉♪
Hosico, where's my phone? 🤷🏼♀️
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