SUMMER BEACH NAILS | Sea Foam Nail Art | Sandwich Technique Gel Nails

by Louise Michelle 'Urban Nail Art'

SUMMER BEACH NAILS | Sea Foam Nail Art | Sandwich Technique Gel Nails


SUMMER BEACH NAILS Sea Foam Nail Art Sandwich Technique Gel NailsMaking waves for beach nails today Please join me to see how I created this sea foam nail look I combined sandwich technique and nail stamping for this design and quite enjoyed the process I didn t really know exactly how but I wanted to create something that d look like beach sand and sea waves with foam and I ended up with these The process is not the quickest and easiest one I m sure there are better and easier ways of creating sea foam nail art but I like the end result so it was worth it For me at least So no hate please just enjoy the view heheLouise Michelle GET DISCOUNTS WITH MY COUPON CODES FOLLOW MEINSTAGRAM urbannailartFACEBOOK urbannailartauTWITTER urbannailartauWEBSITE MUSIC used in this video Music Play It Safe by LiQWYD is licensed under a Creative Commons License WATCH MY OTHER VIDEOS Got a YouTube Channel summerbeachnails seafoamnailart sandwichtechniquegelnailsDisclaimer Some products used in this video were sent to me for my honest review Some links above are affiliate links



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