Sunday Self Care Ritual | Relaxing Skincare, Body and Bath Routine | AD

by Matilda

Sunday Self Care Ritual | Relaxing Skincare, Body and Bath Routine | AD


Running you through my pamper routine skincare steps and self care ritual that sets me up for the week ahead every Sunday My favourite body care brand Nécessaire is always involved so I m thrilled to partner with them to share how I combine their products Do you have any similar rituals Subscribe for new videos every week Much more beauty and travel content to come Matilda xBATHSCENTSKINCAREBODYLIPSRELAXHANDSMENTIONEDWHAT I M WEARINGCODESDISCLAIMERThis video is in paid partnership with Nécessaire Bambu Face Le Prunier and Zove Beauty products were received as press samples Links marked with are affiliate links which means I receive a small percentage of commission on items purchased through the link at no extra cost to you Commission plays no part in my decision to feature a product and press samples are only accepted for consideration with no obligation to feature



Breakfast Poutine - Handle it

  • by Epic Meal Time 1507

Lemme Kno teaches you how to make a delicious Breakfast Poutine! Follow along with this video to learn how to make this breakfast ...