MAKEUP GEEK Foiled Lip Gloss +...
Calling all lippie lovers! Roxette Arisa is not only swatching four shades of MAKEUP GEEK's Foiled Lip Gloss but also sharing a fe...
Hey Guys WATCH IN HD Here is a video where I talk about the new makeup revolution x Emily palettes I love them I hope you enjoy Thanks for watching xoxo SWATCHES START AT 15 13Products I Mentioned Makeup Revolution THE EMILY EDIT palettes The Needs The Wants Loreal Lash Paradise Mascara L A Girls Ultimate Lip Liner in Forever BareLoreal x Camila Cabello Havana Lip Dew Lip Gloss in SerendipityWhat I m Wearing Tank Earrings Forever 21Jacket I don t remember Necklace NordstromBrows Anastasia Brow Wiz in Dark BrownFace Thrive Causemetics CC Cream in Light Medium FAB Bendy Avocado Concealer I CREATED MY OWN NAIL POLISH LINE KL POLISH GET THEM HERE SUBSCRIBE TO KLPOLISH youtube com klpolishGET MY COLOURPOP COLLABS HEREI CREATED MY OWN LIQUID LIPSTICKS WITH A BRAND MIAMI FEVER GET IT HERE HAVANA NIGHTS GET IT HERE USE COUPON CODE Kathleen30 TO GET 30 OFF MAKEUPGEEK My favorite affordable eyeshadows GET 10 OFF ON MORPHE BRUSHES WITH MY COUPON CODE Kathleenlights If you are a business company who would like to contact me about reviewing a product please email me at kathleenlights yahoo comDon t forget to follow me on my social media sites Instagram KathleenlightsTwitter Kathleenlights1And follow KLPolish while you are at itInstagram KLPolishTwitter KLPolishFacebook KLPolishMUSIC BY FAQ What camera do you use Canon 80D What do you use to edit your videos Final Cut Pro Where did you get your vanity Danny actually built it for meFTC This video is NOT sponsored MUG is an affiliate link Morphe Ofra codes are affiliate codes kathleenlights makeuprevolution emilynoel
Calling all lippie lovers! Roxette Arisa is not only swatching four shades of MAKEUP GEEK's Foiled Lip Gloss but also sharing a fe...
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Some animals just don't like sharing the love. Come and watch this brand new compilation of the most jealous pets ever!
Learn how to make a pom pom hedgehog in this quick and easy video tutorial! Find the full post and step-outs here https://liagriff...
Embroidery designs for baby and kids dress
THUMBS UP if you're excited for fall!
Learn how to make a mini homework station with a wooden tote, pencil holders and art supplies. It's the perfect back to school pro...
HidaMari Cooking(ひだまりクッキング)へようこそ。 このチャンネルでは、チョコレートや抹茶、季節のフルーツを使ったお菓子のレシピを中心に投稿しています。
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2019年10月18日より新連載の漫画「今日から未来」のイラスト作画風景です。 下記アドレスから第1話が読めます。
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