【折り紙で楽しむコーディネート③】ハイソックス、くつ下 [...
Geylang Serai Market is one of the biggest and busiest wet markets in Singapore Since 1964 this market has been a focal point for the local Malay community with a good selection of Malay and Indian Muslim specialties on offer Reopened in 2010 the new Geylang Serai Market has become brighter and cleaner but the atmosphere of the old traditional market is still maintained After renovation this market is dressed in a cultural suit a traditional Malay kampong house Either on weekday or weekend it is always vibrant Especially middle aged shoppers come here to do their daily shopping plus flocks of young people come for good foods at weekends This market is a source of ingredients for Malay Singaporeans to prepare traditional dishes and supplies all sorts of Malay spices and a variety of Middle Eastern ones as well Pork is not on offer at this market Prices here are among the lowest in Singapore especially fish pricesThe second floor of Geylang Serai Market is home to hundreds of food stalls with main focus on Malay and Indian cuisine This is the best food court to enjoy Malay dishes such as asam pedas stingray spicy stingray beef rendang spicy beef ikan terubok fried fish and goreng pisang banana fritters Nearest MRT station Eunos MRT EW7 Walking 8 mins from Exit B
❤️海外コスメ好きの紗夜が紹介するアイハーブ購入品! 使って見た感想、リピートしてる愛用品から買ったけど使ってない失敗した購入品までたくさん紹介しています! オーガニックコスメ好きな人、アイハーブ初心者さんなどぜひたくさんの方に参考にしてもらいたいです✨
Read more about Linda's look here: http://into.gl/lindas-lips
あの隅だけ、いたぶりたくなるらしい。Hana wants to torment only that corner of the rug. Blog: http://sisinmaru.com/ Instagram: https://www.instagram....
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☆ Shop Lone Fox (Decor, DIY Supplies + More!): https://lonefox.com/ - Follow Lone Fox on Instagram: @lonefoxhome - Follow my perso...
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Sounds like Gingersnap has a lot to say. So cute!
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