1인당 5만원($45) 사시미, 스시 오마카세! 인천,...
#맛있겠다 #오마카세 #스시사쿠
Thank you for 12 12 min of your time Today I am going to create the most valuable piece that I have ever designed The main stone of the ring is a 5 53 carat GIA certified yellow fancy diamond worth 62 000 The inner dome is made of 24K yellow gold to enhance the yellow color of the diamond The outer dome is made of 18K white gold and is set with a diamond pave 1 68 carats The arm is made of 18K white gold and is set with diamonds 0 65 carats Thanks to Carbide burs and cutters diamond instruments polishers abrasives and steel instruments Edelkrone camera movements 0 00 9 30 11 26FotografiarteFollow my work I m a jewelry designer In this channel you can find the beauty of the small things IF YOU CAN DREAM IT YOU CAN DO IT Walt Disney
#맛있겠다 #오마카세 #스시사쿠
Hey, Guys! (WATCH IN HD) Here's a video where I try out the new Coca Cola x Morphe collab and give you my thoughts on it! Hope yo...
開箱+化妝~~~這次買了A'PIEU 霧面染唇+持久唇露、 NATURE REPUBLIC多功能氣墊、30色眼影盤,還有CLIO蜂巢氣墊,及一些有趣的新品韓國彩妝。邊化妝邊聊天吧❤️ 今天隱形眼鏡是 PLAY BOY月拋夢幻兔🐰,上衣是 Honeymade....
Open Me 'n Watch in HD!! :) More info can be found here...including the makeup I'm wearing in this video :)
드론영상제공 : 김선우 형님~ :)
:: my blog post :: for more pictures and information http://www.sarahsvegankitchen.com/2017/03/vegan-mozzarella-recipe-test.html
見てうっとり...♡キラキラなレシピ ベスト12
【フットケア】マニキュアオフ〜ウエットケア【ペディキュア】 https://youtu.be/C1teyqvF_vg
「猫かわいい」 すごくかわいい子猫 - 最も面白い猫の映画 #296 https://youtu.be/jvHfrwrMPc0 #猫 #楽しい #可愛い #リラックス
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