The Simplest Beads I Have Ever Made , with Polymer Clay !

by TurtleSoupBeads

The Simplest Beads I Have Ever Made , with Polymer Clay !


to create the skull beads at the beginning of the video To purchase the born pretty in USA I can t give foreign links sorry To purchase the jet age powders I have videos showing how I create the flower and leaf beads also how to dobead embroidery Not all of my pieces are available for purchase but are shared for visual inspiration My original designs are free to use in all your personal work for craft fairs and art shows however if you are to copy them for sale or reproduction in videos or on the internet you need my express written permission If you post on facebook or instagram my designs or any other artist please give them credit so other people can learn and be inspired check out my facebook page www facebook com turtlesoupbeadswhere I get my polymer clay my etsy store which I can only open a few weeks a year because videos take so much of my time www etsy com shop turtlesoupbeads



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