The Traveling Bird Feeder - Relax With Squirrels & Birds ( 1 Hour )

by Movie Squirrels

The Traveling Bird Feeder - Relax With Squirrels & Birds ( 1 Hour )


Relax with wild animals for one hour and listen to the calming sound of singing birds Perfect cat dog tv In this series we roam about in Norwegian nature with a mobile bird feeder a sled filled with delicious nuts seeds fruit feeding all the animals that would like to taste the food we provide Perfect background tv when you work or study as birdsong may improve concentration It is also perfect tv for dogs cats birds and other pets to watch Species in this episode 00 00 Location 1On sled Coal tit Eurasian blue tit Great tit Red squirrel Eurasian bullfinch Great spotted woodpeckerEnvironment European greenfinch15 36 Location 2On sled Great tit Coal tit Eurasian blue tit Eurasian jay Great spotted woodpeckerEnvironment Eurasian bullfinch Red squirrel Common redpoll38 41 Location 3On sled Great tit Eurasian bullfinch Eurasian blue tit Willow tit Coal tit Eurasian nuthatch Eurasian jayEnvironment Great spotted woodpecker European greenfinchSee one that we have missed Let us know in the comments below or contact us at contact moviesquirrels comWe will continue to add episodes to this series So make sure to check out the playlist for this series here Follow us on



Subtle Pinks (Two Ways)

  • by Lisa Eldridge 1047

For all the products that are featured in this film click on the links below: 100% of advertising revenue is donated to charity. F...