by bestdressed



In a 20 minute long saga that took a full month IRL follow me on my journey of transforming my Los Angeles college bedroom from a sad generic box with the most hideous carpet of all time to an aesthetic vintage urban outfitters tumblr ye olde safari inspired loft style planttastic room I really go all out on the whole shebang we re talking new carpet faux brick floor to ceiling curtains a diy clothing rack and and more plants than you could ever ask for And I do it all on a bit of a budget DIY ing or thrifting most of my decor or finding it on Craigslist or IKEA C H A P T E R Sgoing to home depot 1 21diy temporary wall to wall carpeting 3 03assembling ikea furniture 5 15assembling my bed 6 31diy faux brick wall 7 49the least informative clothing rack tutorial of all time 11 56installing the faux brick wall curtains 13 27final reveal bedroom tour 14 33C H E C K O U TM A T E R I A L Sfaux brick wall 3 4 inch styrofoam insulation white semi gloss latex paintcopper pipe clothing rack two 10 long 3 4 copper pipes 6 right angle 3 4 connectors 6 three way split 3 4 connectors 4 3 4 endcapsD E C O R F U R N I T U R EI M W E A R I N GM U S I C in order of appearance in video monday by jefi love u by panthurrsummer fun by panthurrtuesday by jefpillowtalk by jefcookie by jefhappy days rmx by jefjune gloom by primafor love by jefbae by jefF A Qwhat s your name ashleyhow old are you 20how tall are you 5 5 what ethnicity are you half british and half burmesewhat equipment do you use to film editing final cut proFTC not sponsored




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