花創人Webサイト http://8787.me/
Yes as I said in the title this is the most colorful macrame key chain I have made so far Many flowers combine together into a cylinder with some additional detail tassel from excess cords some small china cat beads Give it some love and patience you will have a cool key chain Hope you like this pattern and tutorial video as well macrame flower handmadeKhông phải là mình cố ý làm cái ngắn cái dài đâu do lúc đầu lên nguyên liệu dài dư nhiều quá nên phải làm thêm cái ngắn cho đỡ phí cơ mà dễ thương cực kỳ nha cái này là làm móc khóa balo cho nhóm bạn thân hay cho hội nhóm nho nhỏ là bao chóa lóa nổi bật luôn
花創人Webサイト http://8787.me/
不定期にも関わらず、いつも動画を観てくださってありがとうございます😀 *******FOLLOW ME******************** Instagram:るー https://instagram.com/yesruican0720 *********...
Best Makeup Transformations 2018 | New Makeup Tutorials Compilation
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Подробный рецепт - https://www.vsegdavkusno.ru/recipes/sup-iz-shpinata
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A dainty spiral herringbone rope using only 2 beads per row! So cool!
starting with a watercolor background, have fun doodling stress-free with simple shapes. ++ get a sketch for free here: https://w...
HidaMari Cookingへようこそ。 このチャンネルでは、チョコレートや抹茶、季節のフルーツを使ったお菓子を中心に投稿しています。
Funny Pet Videos presents a brand new weekly compilation featuring the funniest Pomeranian videos, clips, outtake, bloopers and mo...
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