THRIFT FLIP | transforming old THRIFT STORE CLOTHES from my closet and making them TRENDY for FALL

by Alexa Sunshine83

THRIFT FLIP | transforming old THRIFT STORE CLOTHES from my closet and making them TRENDY for FALL


ITEMS USED VIDEO INSPIRATION SHOP MY CLOSET EQUIPMENT Business email TeamSunshine select co COMMON QUESTIONS How old are you were you born in 83 I was born august 3rd 1994 currently 26 the 83 in alexasunshine83 is for 08 03 83 Basically alexasunshine was taken Why do you thrift To stop my consumption of fast fashion due to the horrible treatment of workers and the negative environmental impact of waste fast fashion produces I recommend the documentary The True Cost Are your plants real NO all my plants are artificial Channel Banner by Music Disclaimer This video is not sponsored Items with are affiliate links



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