1時間で10品作り置きに挑戦!/ Challenge! 10...
いつもは1時間で10品の作り置きに挑戦していますが、今日は病み上がりで絶不調なのでゆっくり作ります。ライブ配信の事前告知はTwitterで行いますのでフォローお願いします。https://twitter.com/OkaeriRecipeCh Always I...
Hey guys In today s Art Journal Thursday episode I wanted to to you everyone who wishes to be better at something while creating this hand lettering quote that amazing things will happen For this modern calligraphy I use the faux fauxligraphy technique This video is similar to my painting out loud videos so I hope you enjoy this motivational video through my art Thumbs up if you want to see more videos like this NEW VIDEO EVERY THURSDAY SATURDAY Hashtag your artwork recreations with lookmako so I can find it and feature it in my next videos List of my Supplies English Deutsch Film Editing Gear Editing Software Sony Vegas Pro 13 If you have any questions feel free to comment down below Thank you so much for watching guys have a wonderful day and I will see you soon mako Let s stay in touch Art Crafty Bullet Journal Amino makoccino WANT TO WATCH MORE OF MY VIDEOS TOP 5 MOST POPULAR VIDEOS Fun Creative Things To Do When You Are Bored At Home Other links MUSIC Joakim Karud Canals Chillhop Essentials Summer 2016 EpidemicSound comDisclaimer not sponsored Links marked with are affiliate links This means I get a very small commission that may benefit me financially if you buy one of the products mentioned here
いつもは1時間で10品の作り置きに挑戦していますが、今日は病み上がりで絶不調なのでゆっくり作ります。ライブ配信の事前告知はTwitterで行いますのでフォローお願いします。https://twitter.com/OkaeriRecipeCh Always I...
Hasil dari pemijahan ikan cupang black samurai dengan Ikan cupang Koi Dan jadi begini lah hasil nya. Cukup Baik dari warna yang t...
Hey guys, I was super inspired to do this Spooky Ghost Doll look that I found on Pinterest : https://www.pinterest.com/pin/4136275...
Мой сайт, с моими материалами - https://avdeeva.pro/ Сайт с моими материалами в Германии и ЕС https://avdeeva.de/
Hi GUYZ!!! 今日は皆さんからずっとずーーーっと ご要望いただいておりましたプチプラメイクに挑戦しました 🌈👌🏻 しかも薬局で買える1000円以下のコスメだけでメイクしましたよん〜〜!!!
【材料】 ☆お好きな糸や糸にあったかぎ針をお使いください♪
子猫たちの育児で疲れる親猫たちの束の間の休養してる様子に癒されます^^ とは言っても、1日の半分以上こんな様子なんですけどもね(汗) 気持ち良さそうな寝姿がかわいいです♬
若需購買影片中介紹的布料與材料,請點選下列網址 * 清秀佳人布坊 * http://www.pb22.com.tw/ * 清秀佳人布坊FB粉絲團 * https://www.facebook.com/22pb22/ 地址:台灣台南市西門商場22號
喜歡美甲喜歡戴首飾的你 真的有好好護理手部皮膚嗎? 跟著我這套手部按摩, 讓你的第二張臉更迷人哦
In the wizarding world i would be a super cool witchy fashion designer. In the real world i am a less cool muggle fashion designer...
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