Toilet Paper DIYs to do when youre BORED!! stayhome

by Maqaroon

Toilet Paper DIYs to do when youre BORED!! stayhome


Follow Me On TikTok Here maqaroonWhen I uploaded my last video I had no idea that life would end up in lockdown just two weeks later I m doing well and have adjusted to life indoors In Austria we re only allowed to leave home to buy food go for walks or for emergencies Starting Wednesday everyone has to wear face masks in supermarkets and ideally other public places as well which I think is great These are stressful times so I want to adjust my content to help you guys relax and pass time the best way possible Lockdown is the perfect opportunity to start crafting play video games read books or learn new recipes If you re home you re safe and you are helping other people stay healthy as well Up to 50 of people don t have symptoms so feeling fine doesn t mean you won t accidentally infect someone more vulnerable I m technically vulnerable as well because I have lupus and low immunity but I don t look old or ill so you can t spot and avoid those more at risk Disclaimer To state the obvious do not make these DIYs if you have a genuine shortage of toilet paper However it seems like everyone decided to panic buy and most people have way too much right now So if you can spare a roll then have fun TikTok maqaroon c Joanna Zhou 2020This video is not sponsoredDoes not contain affiliate links



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