【重ねて楽しい🍴】カボチャのレイヤーショートケーキ🍰 レシピはこちら:https://bit.ly/2BQoMgF
Whenever I m in a different country I love checking out the traditional local markets in the city I m with my friends Sandy and Carlos and they are going to take me on a market food tour Where the stands offer rich snacks full meals juices and smoothies traditional clothing gifts and many more mexico market streetfoodThe places I went to Tianguis La Napoles First market Filadelfia 165 195 Nápoles 03810 Ciudad de México CDMX Mercado de Coyoacán Ignacio Allende s n Del Carmen 04100 Ciudad de México CDMX Fonda El comal in the market Xicoténcatl local 294 Col Del Carmen 04100 Coyoacán CDMX Mexico Mercado de Antojitos Mexicanos Huaraches Taco Higuera 10 La Concepción 04000 Ciudad de México CDMX Helados La Motita Ice Cream Higuera 48 La Concepción 04020 Ciudad de México CDMX YouTube Channels sandralau27Chinita Food TravelInstagram sandra lau 27 chinita food travelCheck out my friends IG travel_with_carlos MORE EXCLUSIVE Content on Instagram FOLLOW ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA Equipment I use for filming My Favorite Cookware Send stuff to our P O Box Mike Chen P O Box 610 Middletown NY 10940 Music from Epidemic Sound
【重ねて楽しい🍴】カボチャのレイヤーショートケーキ🍰 レシピはこちら:https://bit.ly/2BQoMgF
Black cat with heart shaped on her neck is unbelievable lovely, she wants only love
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Dried Crispy Fluffy Slime Recipe:
戸の向こう側でガサガサしながらもなかなか入って来ないボス吉。 名前を呼ぶとすぐに戸を開けて入って来ましたが、この日はやたらとにゃ~にゃ~鳴いて何かをアピール。 どうやらボス吉はブラッシングをして欲しかったようでしたが、もしかしたら姉さんを探して鳴いていたのかも...
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