TRYING THE $500 DYSON FLAT IRON......underwhelming?

by KathleenLights

TRYING THE $500 DYSON FLAT IRON......underwhelming?


Hey Guys WATCH IN HD Here is a video were I try out the super espensive Dyson flat iron and compare it to my GHD flat iron I hope you enjoy Thanks for watching Xoxo Products I Mentioned Dyson Corrale Hair StraightenerGHD Platinum Flat IronWhat I m Wearing Face ilia Skin Tint Elf 16 HR Concealer Guerlain Terra Cotta Bronzer Colourpop Matchmaker Blush Morphe Spark Highlight Eyes Colourpop So Jaded Palette Jd Glow Cosmetics Geometrix Eyeliner MUFE Aquamatic Pencil in I 30 Wet n Wild Bad Bitch Lift Mascara Lips Pat Mcgrath Contour Lip Liner in Vintage Lip Gloss in Pink SequinSHOP LIGHTS LACQUER HERE Follow us on social SHOP LIGHTS LABEL HEREFollow us on social GET MY COLOURPOP COLLABS HERESAVE 10 WITH COUPON CODE Kathleenlights doesn t work with collabs SAVE MONEY ON OFRA HERE USE COUPON CODE KathleenGET 10 OFF ON MORPHE BRUSHES HERE COUPON CODE Kathleenlights If you are a business company who would like to contact me about reviewing a product please email me at kathleenlights22 gmail comDon t forget to follow me on my social media sites MUSIC BY FAQ What camera do you use Canon 80D What do you use to edit your videos Final Cut ProFTC This video is NOT sponsored Morphe Colourpop Ofra codes are affiliate codes KathleenLights Dyson Review




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