Instagram https://instagram.com/10cats_/ Facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/10-Cats-929118100482897/ FRESH! by AbemaTV https://ameb...
Hello again everyone today from my oven is Pide or Turkish Style Pizza with cheese toppings This recipe is using pizza dough and cheese as toppings but feel free to choose your favorite Eat them hot pizza cheese Turkish pideI appreciate everyone for subscribe leaves comments likes and share Click bell icon to get notification for new videos if you haven t done so already Dough 2 cups 250g all purpose flour1 tsp salt1 tsp instant yeast1 tbsp oil1 2 cup 2 tbsp 125ml 2 tbsp warm waterLittle oil for coat and brush the doughEgg yolk or butter oil for egg washToppings CheesesSeasoning salt pepper paprika powder herbs etcFor methods please watch the video above Thanks a lot guys Note Best to serve when still hot warm After cold or room temperature the texture will not as soft as when it still warm just like other pizza You might want to reheat it before eat Pide has variation of toppings or fillings so feel free to add anything you like For 4 pieces I have used between 1 1 2 to 2 cups of cheesesIf you are interested please take a moment to watch other videos here Dessert Recipe If you recook my recipe and want to share your pictures please post tag me in hereMusic Swoosh YouTube Audio LibraryKeith Huma Huma YouTube Audio Library
Instagram https://instagram.com/10cats_/ Facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/10-Cats-929118100482897/ FRESH! by AbemaTV https://ameb...
Important Note: Your first and all units on the first section of the bezel should be 1 Bicone and 4 - 11/0 Seed Beads. I show 4 bu...
Hi! In this tutorial we are creating our own mix of rose gold, marbling the bottom tier and attaching artificial flowers.
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Hello lovelies!
달콤한 카라멜 시럽이 촉촉히 스며있는 초코 플랑 케이크를 만들었어요~ ♥더 자세한 레시피와 설명은 밑에 더보기 버튼 눌러 확인 해 주세요♥ ♡For more detailed recipes, please click on the down...
How to make mini Scottish bowl designs, featuring stag horn holders and thistle flowers
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