DIY : Gift-wrapping idea with ...
Anna is a fond of giving presents to her dear ones, and she keeps coming up with new gift wrapping ideas on how she can wrap the p...
HI guys I dont think I was ever that good at posting videos ahahahaSo excited to post this video today our favorite Sophia is BACK for a last minute xmas recipe and makeup look enjoy guys love youxVTurmeric Loaf with Plant Based Caramel Drizzle by Sophia RoeINGREDIENTS1 cup alternative dairy milk1 2 cup maple syrup1 tsp vanilla1 cup coconut flakes shredded1 tsp vanilla1 tbsp lime juice1 1 2 cups all purose four2 tsp baking powder1 2 tsp sea salt1 tsp ground ginger2 tsp turmeric1 2 tsp freshl cracked black pepper1 2 tsp nutmeg optional PROCESSPreheat the oven to 350 degrees F Use prefrerred oil to coat loaf pan Blend alternative milk maple syrup vanilla coconut flakes and lime juice together to help break down the coconut flakes Once blended for 30 45 seconds combine wet mixture with the remaining dry ingredients and mix to form a batter Transfer the thick batter to a loaf pan Fill loaf pan about 3 4 of the way full full Bake for 45 mins or until a toothpick from the center comes out clean Be sure to let cool for at least 15 minutes before you cut into loaf or add any topping Once cool drizzle with generous amount of Plant Bssed Turmeric Caramel and a sprinkle of turmeric PLANT BASED TURMERIC CARAMEL1 ½ cups coconut sugar¾ cup coconut butter3 tbsp water perhaps more for proper texture 1 tsp vanilla extract½ tsp cinnamon1 tsp turmeric¼ cup chopped walnuts1 ½ tsp sea salt PROCESSMix all ingredients over low heat until throughly combined Feel free to add more water 1 tablespoon at a time for desired texture This can burn easily so keep an eye on it while cooking Store in a glass jar for up two weeks It will become solid once refrigerated so just take a small sauce pot filled half way with water and put on a low simmer Place jer of caramel in pot of simmering water for 3 5 minutes Caramel will melt down for the perfect texture
Anna is a fond of giving presents to her dear ones, and she keeps coming up with new gift wrapping ideas on how she can wrap the p...
Hello everyone! In this video, Fritter the corn snake gets a bath to fix his bad shed. However a bath is not a long term solution,...
annas(アンナス) / 刺繍作家・刺しゅうイラストレーター ネットショップ アンナとラパン 海外向けネットショップ(Net s...
⇣⇣⇣ 더보기란 눌러주세요 ⇣⇣⇣ ⇣⇣⇣ 더보기란 눌러주세요 ⇣⇣⇣
長片注意!下半年的空空賞來囉~ 訂閱黃小米Mii► 愛用美妝播放清單►
Hey Loves! Today I am going to share with you my 10 most favorite smart travel hacks and tips. I gathered some of my top favorite ...
Cacao ! ∴∵ゞ(´ω`*) ♪ English subtitle is underconstructions. Please wait.
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ホワイトデーに♪ふかふか~なキャラメルカップケーキ | Caramel Cupcakes
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